Massachusetts Rural Vaccine Program

In partnership with the Massachusetts State Office of Rural Health (SORH), NEHRA engages community based organizations to help them become more effective in advancing community health. This work directly supports the SORH’s goals to build partnerships to increase access to health services, develop better systems of care, and improve the health status of rural communities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

One such priority is the Rural Vaccine Initiative:

NEHRA supports Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in rural regions across the Commonwealth to respond to their individualized needs for vaccine uptake.

NERHA provides the following activities to meet the scope of contracted services for this initiative:

  • Fund rural CBOs through a competitive process. 

  • Provide technical assistance, training, and evaluation support to rural community-based organizations CBOs.

  • Coordination of a peer learning network for information exchange across funded regions and work with Massachusetts Department of Health (DPH) staff to help CBOs navigate internal MDPH resources.

  • Build capacity through training and guidance.